Shibes, we’re excited to share our progress regarding the deployment of Dogechain on Polygon CDK. 

Following the overwhelmingly positive vote from the Dogechain community regarding deployment on Polygon CDK, our team undertook the ambitious task of adopting this groundbreaking technology. 

After extensive internal testing of the stack, the Dogechain zkEVM Testnet using this tech is now officially live and open for public testing. 

This marks a new milestone for our broad roadmap in providing a more future-proof and interoperable Dogechain network. This new deployment will act as a genuine layer-2 of Ethereum while using Dogecoin as gas. 

Dogechain 2.0 Polygon CDK Testnet Overview

This public testnet of Dogechain 2.0 acts as a testing ground for builders and users who wish to learn more about the functionalities of this new blockchain. 

In the current state, the Dogechain 2.0 testnet is connected with the Ethereum Seplolia Testnet and uses Sepolia ETH as gas. 

Pending a major update of the framework, Polygon will provide options for custom tokens to be used as gas in the near future. The Dogechain team will be implementing these upgrades going forward and keep testing these features before launching a bulletproof mainnet. 

Dogechain zkEVM Polygon CDK Testnet Details:

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Let’s go Shibes! Give it a try and start deploying your contracts and tokens on the Dogechain zkEVM testnet. Let’s get this new tech smokin’!