Dogechain DC Web3 - DOGE Dogecoin

Dogechain is the chain of memes and dreams. In this article, you will find out how its connection to memes enhances its role in the ongoing Web3 upheaval and puts it at the forefront of this new paradigm.

The inevitable evolution of the internet

Over the years, the internet evolved from static web pages into a living, ever-changing user-created medium. This slow, but nevertheless, inevitable shift to Web 2.0 has brought us the internet we all know today. What started as a read-only vehicle evolved into a read-and-write model, where users were able to create and share content with the rest of the world.

However, this new iteration of the web also came with its own caveats. With the appearance of social media, people could transact with information and value, bringing a considerable enhancement to the platform. However, they did so via third parties, which gathered their private information and inevitably led to the abuse of user privacy and high intermediary costs.

In fact, you need to consider that you don’t have ownership over any of your data on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Most of the internet today is still very centralized and remains in control of the major corporations. Consequently, while users create valuable content, they entirely depend on centralized bodies to monetize it.

This brings us to the advent of Web3, which aims to reverse and eliminate these unwelcome drawbacks.

What is Web3?

The term Web3 was coined by Ethereum’s co-founder Gavin Wood and represents the next iteration of the world wide web. It depicts a vision of a better, decentralized form of the internet, which allows users to own their data and content.

Through cryptocurrencies and NFTs, Web3 aims to remove the need for trust in corporations to act in the public’s best interests. By using blockchain technology, users regain the power of ownership of data and are able to share it in a decentralized manner. This also enables them to become censorship-resistant, as platforms cannot arbitrarily demonetize them.

However, just like blockchain technology, Web3 might seem right out of reach of the mainstream consumer. Like any new paradigm, it comes with its fair share of technological baggage, making it somewhat inaccessible for the average user.

Memes and Dogecoin as a passageway into crypto

In a world where social media has become one of the pillars of society, everyone has encountered memes at least once in their life. Over the years, this media form has become one of the most significant sources of entertainment and communication.

Memes act as a universal language that strongly influences different cultures. They are funny, contagious, and able to reach levels of virality no other type of medium can. Memes have become a powerful means of communication, with some reasons more obvious than others:

  • Memes allow us to share easy-to-digest cultural information with the world;
  • They are a source of collective coping and a way to share emotions about various global events;
  • Their sensory messages through imagery and videos allow them to become a new form of communication;
  • Memes are a way to reduce the stress of our daily lives and face serious challenges in a humorous and lighthearted way;
  • Because they are universally understandable and relatable, they are easily sharable and are able to convey ideas and information quickly.

Since the early days of crypto, Dogecoin emerged as the original memecoin. Created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer in 2013, this cryptocurrency went against the grain of the seriousness of the industry.

Created as a joke, its creators never expected it to become a coin anyone would seriously invest in. But boy, were they wrong. Dogecoin quickly became a community favorite and built an enormous global following.

For nearly 10 years, DOGE has been hovering in the top 10 coins by market cap. It has allowed mainstream users to get acquainted with crypto through the power of memes. Furthermore, it has become the first contact with blockchain technology for a massive portion of the community.

Dogecoin’s shortcomings for Web3

Thanks to the support from notable fans like Elon Musk and Snoop Dogg, Dogecoin has confirmed its status as the “people’s crypto”. However, although the original memecoin acts as the perfect gateway to the industry, it has its fair share of shortcomings when it comes to Web3.

Web3 relies on decentralized applications to be able to provide utility to users. Users need to be able to connect to dApps that give them access to decentralized financial instruments (DeFi), blockchain games, and NFTs. These decentralized applications rely on smart contracts, a feature that Dogecoin is severely lacking.

Dogecoin is a 1st generation cryptocurrency, a coin that can mainly be used for exchanging and storing value and making payments. Its smart contract capability, while theoretically possible, doesn’t have any practical use cases.

This might sound like a dire predicament to Dogecoin holders that are hoping to participate in the Web3 revolution. Well, this would be the case, if not for Dogechain.

How Dogechain enables Web3 for Dogecoin

Dogechain aims to directly bring Web3 to Dogecoin and to millions of its users and holders.

To achieve this, Dogechain allows users to bridge Dogecoin onto an EVM smart contract-capable chain and use it as gas for transactions. Moreover, by plugging DOGE onto Dogechain, users can directly use the original meme coin on different decentralized applications vital to Web3.

Additionally, by being EVM-compatible, there is already a ready-made infrastructure of dApps that allows users to manage their funds securely. In a nutshell,

  • For developers, EVM-compatible chains offer a universal environment for executing code. This allows them to deploy smart contracts on Dogechain easily and quickly, without having to write the smart contract code from scratch.
  • For users, the EVM environment allows them to experience a new ecosystem of dApps, where their DOGE is king and used in every transaction.,

As such, Dogecoin gains a new range of utilities and use cases, and allows its holders to fully participate in Web3 with their Dogecoin.

A sample of Web3 use cases for DOGE with Dogechain

Let’s have a quick look at some of the added utilities for Dogecoin that allow it to become a Web3 powerhouse:

  • DogeFi and MemeFi — DOGE holders can access decentralized financial instruments like lending, borrowing, or LP farming with their memecoins. Additionally, being the chain of memes and dreams, Dogechain naturally attracts meme tokens and MemeFi projects that synergize with Dogecoin.
  • Gaming with DOGE and in-game asset ownership — the Dogechain protocol enables the ERC721 and ERC1155 NFT standards. This allows devs to plug DOGE-powered NFTs into their games and provide asset ownership to users. Moreover, the high scalability of the underlying Polygon Edge architecture allows it to meet mass demand and remain fast and cheap to use.
  • Doge-powered NFTs — since transactions on Dogechain use DOGE, this is also true for NFT minting on the protocol. This makes the NFTs on Dogechain immediately accessible to Dogecoin holders and developers invested in the cryptocurrency.
  • Consumer-oriented dApps — as Web3 evolves, it will inevitably attract high-volume Web 2.0 applications like social media, streaming platforms, games, etc. With Dogecoin being such a popular and mainstream cryptocurrency, the Dogechain EVM network can onboard DOGE payments for apps like Twitter, Twitch, Youtube, and many more.

All in all, Dogechain stands out as the ultimate platform for creating utility for Dogecoin and allowing millions of users introduced to Web3 and decentralization.


The internet is racing towards its third installment, focusing on usability, scalability, and decentralization. However, for this reality to really settle in, we will need a genuine massive adoption of Web3 dApps.

With Dogechain enabling dApps for Dogecoin, the most popular mainstream crypto, it paints a strong narrative as the perfect onboarding instrument for bridging billions of Web 2.0 users to this new web model. Our memechain will inevitably become a major player in the industry and act as a rallying point for the mainstream consumer for a better, decentralized future of the internet.

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