Dogechain DC Tokenomics

Greetings Shibe!

We’re very excited to be here to usher in the era of DogeFi with the Dogecoin community. In the very near future, you will be able to use Dogechain to build DeFi, games, and NFTs on Doge. Best of all, if enough economic value accrues on Dogechain, Doge can become deflationary!

We thank the Doge community for their enthusiasm and support for our soon-to-be launched token. Engaging the Doge community is at the very heart of our platform — and is critical to ensuring Dogechain’s success. Consequently, we believe it’s important to explain our distribution plan and how we intend to promote Dogechain to Dogecoin holders.

How $DC tokens will be distributed

The total released supply of $DC is 1,000,000,000,000 tokens, 60% of which will be distributed to the community over time. This amount includes,

  • 1% will be set aside for future Robinhood users who could not immediately withdraw their Doge from their wallets.
  • 2% will be given out to users who bridge their Doge onto Dogechain (i.e. wrapped Doge). These will be airdropped in the first 10 days (in late May) to those who hold Doge on dogechain. No staking is required.
  • 28.2% of tokens given out over the next 4 years on a predefined schedule ( ⅔ will be airdropped to Doge holders who stake Doge onto Dogechain, ⅓ wil be airdropped to $veDC token holders). This is known as the Last Doge Barking game.
  • 29.8% (the remaining) goes to ve$DC holders as rewards. Every year, part of what is left will be unlocked and distributed to $veDC holders based on $veDC voting.
  • Note on Governance: $veDC holders are the only ones who can vote. Their votes will be based on the number of $DC and length of lockup. The longer the lockup, the more power to vote.

The remaining 40% of tokens will be distributed as follows:

  • 10% — Contributing team members
  • 15% — Foundation
  • 10% — Treasury
  • 5% — Marketing Allocation

The Dogechain Airdrop (Last Doge Barking)

Participating in the Dogechain Airdrop simply requires moving your Doge onto Dogechain. After the initial airdrop, staking your Doge will let you earn additional $DC over the course of four years. But if you unstake, you stop earning those extra $DC tokens — we call this the Last Doge Barking game.

Participants who keep their Doge staked on Dogechain (allowing them to receive DC) prove they are long term believers.

Why Get Dogechain?

The $DC token can serve as the fuel for new and innovative Dogechain products and services, including an independent ecosystem of #dApps with unlimited growth potential!

$DC token holders will be able to leverage the power of smart contracts to improve Dogecoin utility in multiple ways, e.g.:

  • $DC will serve as the governance token and earn yield over time.
  • $DC tokens will provide DOGE holders with access to advanced financial instruments such as staking, lending, borrowing, and liquidity mining.
  • Gaming developers will be enable DOGE to used in their P2E gaming dApps
  • $DC token holders can mint and exchange NFTs by paying for gas with DOGE.
  • Participate in token swapping and price speculation on decentralized exchanges.

More details and use cases are coming soon — including how Dogechain will be interoperable with other Polygon chains (and potentially other ecosystems as well).

Getting your very own $DC tokens

As detailed above, $DC tokens will be given to crypto users who bridge Doge from Doge to Dogechain via the native bridge as an airdrop or ‘bridgedrop’. $DC tokens will also be given to validators and Doge stakers who lock their Doge up.

Dogechain DC tokenomics

Coming Soon

Dogechain seeks to kick start cutting-edge projects and services in the NFT, gaming, and DeFi fields. The token presents the Doge community with new opportunities to showcase Dogecoin — and expand its community of crypto enthusiasts across the globe. Follow Dogechain news — and witness how a new era for Dogecoin utility unfolds!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the comments below or in the Dogechain Community Telegram chat.

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