Dogechain Digest DC

Hello Shibes, we are excited to bring you this first issue of the Dogechain Weekly Digest. Although our weekly Twitter Spaces summaries acted as a newsletter of sorts, we wanted to provide you with a dedicated, regular source of information for everything related to Dogechain.

To better keep you in the loop, we will publish this digest on a weekly basis and include relevant information regarding:

  • Latest statistics
  • Infrastructure upgrades and roadmap goals
  • Events and giveaways
  • Ecosystem news, and much more!

Hopefully, all of this useful information will keep you excited about everything that is happening on our meme chain and will allow you to anticipate some major upcoming updates. Let’s get started!

Weekly Stats Update 📊

On-chain stats ⛓️

Let’s first get some on-chain statistics out of the way. Currently, the Dogechain network is standing at:

  • 87,397,155 total transactions with an average of ~80,000 transactions per day in the last 30 days.
  • 8,279,790 total blocks created
  • 12,461,611 wallets

Considering the state of the market, these are some respectable numbers for an up-and-coming chain.

DC staking stats 🔐

The Dogechain staking mechanism has proven to be quite popular with the community. The numbers are bearing witness to this:

  • Users have locked a total of 2,611,777,597 DC tokens.
  • 16.15% of the circulating supply has been locked.
  • The average timelock is 3 years and 8 months, which shows long-term commitment from our community.

It’s also worth noting that from a total circulating supply of 16,171,608,913 $DC only ~6 billion tokens are eligible for staking.

This means that users have already locked more than 40% of the $DC tokens on the Dogechain mainnet!

Infrastructure Updates from the Dogechain Devs 🧑‍💻

RPC nodes infrastructure update 🧊

One of the main pain points of Dogechain users has been the unfortunate instability of the RPCs due to high demand.

The Dogechain team is working relentlessly to alleviate some of these issues and provide the best possible user experience, for both users and developers.

In addition to optimizing the network code (ongoing development), Dogechain devs are currently finalizing the migration of our public RPC nodes to more reliable hardware.

Moreover, the team is exploring multiple solutions with third-party node providers that should allow dApp builders to access a reliable, bespoke infrastructure tailored to their needs.

Both of these solutions are due by the end of this week, so stay tuned for additional announcements.

Roadmap update 🛣️

The Dogechain dev team is currently working on upgrading the governance platform. This update will allow projects running on Dogechain to be able to create proposals for their dApps and use their own tokens to cast votes.

This has been a highly requested feature from the community, as it will allow DAOs and decentralized exchanges to let the community decide on their further developments. This includes decisions in investing in NFTs, increasing or decreasing LP rewards, adding or whitelisting new tokens, etc.

It will be an invaluable addition to the ecosystem and will allow builders to take their dApps one step further. Stay tuned for updates on ETA.

Exciting Announcements Galore! 📰 📢

Some exciting times are coming for Dogechain, Shibes!

You will be able to meet the core Dogechain team in person, both virtually and in real life. Where and when?

Check these upcoming events and conferences.

Polycon Virtual Blockchain Conference 🗣️ 23–25 February 2023

Dogechain is attending Polycon, the biggest Web3 blockchain metaverse event for everything related to Polygon technology.

Organized by the Polydoge founders, this virtual conference is an immersive 3D world that will showcase the latest projects using Polgyon tech, including Dogechain.

Dogechain will be hosting an entire venue with 15 booths and exhibits reserved for some of the community-favorite projects on our chain. You will be able to (virtually) meet and greet Dogechain core contributors, as well as the founders of the most popular dApps.

In addition to the Dogechain venue, dozens of projects building on Polygon will be present, bringing their own communities to the space. This alone is a great opportunity for our chain and builders, as they will get exposure to users generally unfamiliar with our project.

The expected attendance is around 10,000 visitors, which is certainly an impressive number of potential new users.

But that’s not all! The conference will host:

🔸 AMAs, panels, and keynotes from distinguished individuals and teams from the Polygon space and beyond.

This includes Quickswap co-founder and core contributor to Dogechain Roc Zacharias as well as Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal.

🔸 Gaming events with leaderboards with rewards to boot.

🔸 Giveaways and Airdrops in tokens and NFTs.

🔸 Exclusive NFTs for ticket holders.

🔸 Live DJs, parties, and meetups.

Moreover, we will be giving away a bunch of tickets to our community members, so stay tuned for announcements on our socials.

Dogechain World Tour ✈️🌍

And now, time for a bit of alpha for our Digest readers!

The Dogechain core team will be touring around the world and attending high-profile real-world conferences to increase exposure to our project.

To name a few:

  • EthDenver — (March 2)
  • Singapore — April meetup
  • Tokyo — April meetup
  • DCENTRAL Los Angeles (June 12–13)
  • Permissionless 2023 in Austin (Sept 11–13)
  • DCENTRAL Miami (1st week of Dec)

We will be updating you constantly about keynote speakers and core team attendance at these events, so make sure you follow our socials closely!

Updates From Our Ecosystem Builders 🧱

Our newsletter would be incomplete if we didn’t do a roundup of what our ecosystem builders are doing to enhance the utility of Dogechain.

There are dozens of incredible projects providing more utility for Dogecoin every day, and this is just a small selection of things happening on the chain this week.

DogeTools Security Week + Charity initiative

For those unfamiliar with it, DogeTools is a suite of utilities aimed to cater to all Dogechain users. It provides a swap and staking services, as well as code audits for up-and-coming builders on the chain. Their community-building tipbot has been one of their flagship products, allowing users to send each other wDOGE and DC in Telegram chats.

Moreover, the DogeTools team is committed to making the chain a more secure and safe place for everyone. To this end, they organized an entire week’s worth of AMAs and educationals for the community. These were aimed at raising awareness about the security of funds and best practices when using blockchain technology.

Next, they will be organizing the 🛠️DogeTools Furry Frens Weekend🛠️. (25–26 Feb)

This initiative will fund the Nirvana Foundation — a charity for dogs in India that takes care of them and provide them with everything they need to live a happy life.

To participate and donate to the charity, all you need to do is to join their telegram and tip the pinned message in the chat.

Mantra Royalties

Mantra has been making some noise in the community, especially with its interesting NFT lending mechanism. This NFT marketplace has been adding new features continuously, but this latest one certainly warrants a mention in this newsletter.

The NFT marketplace has finally implemented royalties and allows creators to start getting revenue from their NFT sales. In addition to other neat functionalities like bulk listings and lending pools, Mantra is certainly pushing the NFT boundaries on Dogechain.

HotDoge x IceCream Swap Partnership

HotDoge have teamed up with IceCream Swap to bridge their successful Dogechain token to the BNB chain, creating a new way for BNB users to bridge into Dogechain using their $HOTDOGE.

HotDoge is a MemeFi platform that wishes to perpetrate the meme culture and spread the word to the Dogecoin community about the awesomeness of Dogechain. They are a sum of multiple moving parts, including the DAO, the Fox and Hound NFT project, and their $HOTDOGE token.

Their “Fox & The Hounds” NFT collection remains a Dogechain exclusive and will be used to attract holders onto the chain in order to earn more $HOTDOGE using their NFT staking dApp.

IceCream Swap Auto Gas Drops

Once again, IceCream Swap provides some interesting features for aspiring and existing Dogechain users. They have recently added a new auto gas drop feature to their bridge.

This allows anyone bridging over to Dogechain for the first time to automatically receive a small amount of wDOGE for gas, free of charge. This is a great onboarding feature, as users don’t have to bridge $DOGE for gas if they are coming from the BNB chain, for example.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Ecosystem builders are third-party projects and are not related to the Dogechain core team. Please conduct due diligence before using their dApps or investing in their tokens.

Wrap-up 🌯

If you read this far, you might have noticed that some exciting times are ahead of us. We hope that this newsletter allowed you to get some important news regarding upcoming developments and events.

Stay tuned for the weekly issue of this Digest for more alpha and ecosystem updates on Dogechain.

And remember, Do Good Every Day 🐶

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