Dogechain DC Digest 2

Hello frens, and welcome to the second issue of our weekly Dogechain Digest. This week, we will focus on the Polycon 2023 metaverse conference, an extraordinary virtual event for everything related to Polygon.

As a project that is building on the Polygon Edge/Supernets framework, Dogechain is one of the main sponsors of the event, together with Quickswap and the event organizers from Polydoge.

Before we delve into the details of what will be happening during Polycon 2023, let’s have a quick look at the weekly stats and updates from the Dogechain team.

Weekly Stats Update 📊

On-chain stats ⛓️

Currently, the Dogechain network is standing at:

  • 87,865,336 transactions (+468,189 from last week) with an average of 66.9k transactions/day
  • 12,463,727 wallets (+2,116 from last week).
  • 8,589,931 total blocks.

We are expecting the transaction count to jump significantly during Polycon, as the chain will get exposure to users that aren’t familiar with it yet.

DC staking stats 🔐

  • DC Circulating Supply -16,186,608,913
  • Current DC Locked — 2,602,867,315
  • % of DC Locked — 16.08%
  • Average Lock Time — 3Y 8M

Infrastructure Updates from the Dogechain Devs 🧑‍💻

Let’s have a look at the latest updates from the Dogechaion core dev team.

RPC Infrastructure Upgrade Complete ✅

Great news on the technical front for Dogechain users, as our dev team completed the node upgrade and migration to more powerful hardware of our public RPC nodes.

Remember to update your network in your MetaMask wallet with one of the following RPCs:

RPC Endpoints:

Ankr RPC Endpoints:

This should ensure smooth sailing for all of our users regarding their on-chain tasks such as connecting to dApps, getting timely balances, staking, and claiming rewards.

Additionally, the team is in the finalizing stages of onboarding third-party node providers and integrating tour mainnet into their offering. This should provide builders and projects with access to high-performance nodes for their dApps and hence greatly improve the user experience.

We will be providing you with updates as we are implementing these infrastructure upgrades that are essential to scaling Dogechain to the increased user demand.

Upcoming Roadmap Updates 🛣️

Last week, we touched upon the governance platform update. To summarize, this upgrade will allow projects running on Dogechain to be able to create proposals for their dApps and use their own tokens to cast votes.

While we still don’t have a precise ETA for this update, we can assure you that devs are doing steady progress in this field.

A couple more short-term updates on the platform:

  • We are working on adding a compounding calculator to the staking page. This will allow you to predict approximate returns on your staking rewards if you compound them on different timeframes. Compounding is a powerful tool for accumulating wealth, and we can’t wait to show you how much of a difference it makes when you compound your $DC staking rewards regularly.
  • We will be migrating our Medium to a proprietary blog on our website, which will enhance our SEO scores in the long term.

With that out of the way, let’s get into the essence of this weekly newsletter — the Polycon 2023 virtual conference.

Polycon 2023 Metaverse Conference 23–25 Feb 2023 🗣️

Polycon 2023 is the biggest Web3 blockchain metaverse event for everything related to Polygon technology. During 3 awesome days, this event will be providing a virtual playground to all of our supporters where they can meet, participate in AMAs and learn more about Dogechain and Polygon technology.

In a nutshell, it’s the (virtual) place to be to meet some of the biggest thinking heads of the blockchain space and understand the upcoming paradigm shifts in the industry.

Dogechain on Polycon 🐕

Dogechain has a dedicated venue with multiple booths where the best builders on the chain are able to showcase their projects. Every day from 3 PM to 3 AM UTC, you will be able to meet core team members, dApp builders, and community key opinion leaders in the venue.

The biggest focus will, of course, be on the dApps that are providing added utility to Dogecoin, such as DeFi, blockchain games, NFTs, and much more.

Focus on the Builders 🔍🧱

  • DogeTools — Since day one, this utility-oriented team has been working hard at providing the community with essential services, making their lives easier on the chain. Their flagship product that has made DogeTools such a well-known name on Dogechain is their Telegram tipbot. Present in hundreds of Telegram groups, this chatbot has allowed incredible growth and engagement in the Dogechain community.
  • RealDogePunks — RDP is the first unique, blue-chip NFT PFP collection on Dogechain. This praised collection consists of 10,000 generative art pieces made from 256 traits, resulting in unique and awesome Doges on Dogechain.
  • KibbleSwap — KibbleSwap is one of the top decentralized exchanges on Dogechain, with the most locked-up liquidity on Dogechain at the time of writing. This DEX has been pioneering the Dogechain ecosystem and was one of the first to provide support for bridged stables on the chain.
  • Dogira — Dogira is a multi-faceted project revolving around the multiple utilities of its $DOGIRA token, bridged over to Dogechain since the early days of the mainnet. It’s spearheaded by former Dogecoin developer Eoghan Hayes and provides token holders with exposure to a fledgling Blockchain Development Studio & DeFi Platform.
  • CyberArena — Cyber Arena is an online multiplayer P2E fighting game using blockchain technology. The team is developing a 2.5D metaverse geared for quick, real-time combat gameplay with minimal latency. Combat sports fans now have access to a multi-game environment thanks to the basic metaverse.
  • Wojak Finance — Wojak is a unique MemeFi project, pushing the boundaries of DeFi through comedy and community support. Users visiting their website will be met with a feature-clad DEX with a neat UI and advanced farming and staking features.
  • Atlantis Loans — AtlantisLoans empowers our memechain with a decentralized lending platform present on 5 different chains. In a nutshell, it allows Dogechain users to access advanced financial products with their Dogecoin.
  • Monos — Monos has been providing telegram analytics, and buy/sell bots to NFT collections and projects. They have released multiple useful additions to the ecosystem, such as their RPC tester that helps users find the best-performing endpoint to conduct seamless transactions on Dogechain.
  • MultiChain — Multichain is a Cross-Chain Router Protocol that allows users to bridge assets between a huge number of blockchains. It allows for no-slippage swaps between chains and makes it a breeze to move assets between different chains.
  • PooDoge — this all-in-one utility suite provides Dogechain users with multiple essential tools that allow them to manage their tokens. A fan favorite feature is a token tracker — it allows users to keep an eye on every memecoin and NFT on Dogechain and acts as a portfolio tracker.
  • Kevin Hart Nation — a guest appearance from no other than the one and only Kevin Hart and his personal NFT project. An NFT collection of Kevin and his alter-egos — that unlocks exclusive metaverse content, his global comedy tour, wearables, ticket drops, and much, much more.

⚠️ Disclaimer: Ecosystem builders are third-party projects and are not related to the Dogechain core team. Please conduct due diligence before using their dApps or investing in their tokens.

What Else will you see on Polycon? 👀

In addition to the ones present in our venue, dozens of projects running on Polygon will be showcasing their latest developments. With Polygon spearheading the industry in the past year, it will be a great place to get some alpha from industry gamechangers.

Additionally, you can expect:

🔸 AMAs, panels, and keynotes from distinguished individuals and teams from the Polygon space and beyond. This includes Quickswap co-founder and core contributor to Dogechain Roc Zacharias as well as Polygon co-founder Sandeep Nailwal.

🔸 Gaming events with leaderboards with rewards to boot.

🔸 Giveaways and Airdrops in tokens and NFTs.

🔸 Exclusive NFTs for ticket holders.

🔸 Live DJs, parties, and meetups.

Main Stage Panels Schedule 📅

Feb 23

  • Empowering Communities on Polygon
  • DeFi — Disrupting Traditional Finance
  • The Web2 Exodus to Web3

Feb 24

  • The Revolution of Gaming in the Blockchain Era
  • NFTs
  • Metaverse

Feb 25

  • AI: Artificial Intelligence — The Future is Now
  • Blockchain Securities
  • Social Impact

And much, much more!

Join us on Polycon starting tomorrow and get acquainted with the builders on Dogechain and Polygon.

Wrap-up 🌯

As you might have noticed, we are extremely excited about Polycon and meeting our community nearly in person.

We will also be announcing the Dogechain World Tour shortly, which includes real-world blockchain conferences, so stay tuned for that as well!

Dogechain is bringing DeFi & long awaited utility to Dogecoin. Join the family!

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