Dogechain DC Digest 3

Hello Shibes, it’s time for our weekly updates on the Dogechain Ecosystem in this 3rd issue of the Dogechain Digest.

Last week, we had some great fun in the Polycon metaverse, where thousands of denizens were acquainted with our project and ecosystem builders.

To continue our community-first approach, we’re also launching the Dogechain World Tour, starting with DCentral Denver this week. In this newsletter, we provide you with essential news regarding the upcoming live conferences, new ecosystem releases, and core team updates.

Let’s get started with some weekly stats.

Weekly Stats Update 📊

On-chain stats ⛓️

The Dogechain network is growing steadily

  • 88,371,145 transactions (+505,809 from last week) with an average of 72.2k transactions/day.
  • 12,463,727 wallets (+1,275 from last week).
  • 8,860,557 total blocks.

DC staking stats 🔐

  • DC Circulating Supply — 16,534,066,953
  • Current DC Locked — 2,660,881,139
  • % of DC Locked — 16.09%
  • Average Lock Time — 3Y 8M

Infrastructure Updates from the Dogechain Devs 🧑‍💻

The Dogechain dev team has been working relentlessly to improve the network infrastructure and provide a scalable platform for builders and users. In this regard, they have pushed some significant upgrades to the code, including:

  • Enhanced network syncing stability by optimizing P2P connection management.
  • The Real-time Snapshot Solution integration, a solution to enhance RPC performance when querying account state/storage data, is estimated to start this week. The team has been testing it on the Devnet throughout the last couple of weeks, and the following issues have been detected and fixed on the Devnet:
  • Optimized reverted transactions during snapshot journaling, to make sure the balance information is correct.
  • Improved the efficiency of certain JSON RPC methods when using snapshots.
  • In addition to that, the devs will be implementing a smooth upgrade of the Real-time Snapshot Solution from the Devnet to the mainnet. This will provide reversible compatibility and zero downtime.
  • Finally, to provide the builders with a bespoke network of 3rd party high-performance nodes, we have been benchmark-testing the responsiveness of several RPC service providers.

🪂 In other news, the monthly Early Shibes airdrop is claimable this week, until the 8th of March 3 AM UTC. Don’t forget to claim your tokens before the deadline if you are eligible.

Polycon 2023 Summary

One of the highlights from last week was Dogechain’s participation in the Polycon 2023 metaverse conference.

From February 23–25, dozens of projects from Polygon and Dogechain attended the event and showcase what they are building on their awesome virtual booths.

Some highlights from the conference included:

  • Dogechain core contributor Roc Zacharias gave a keynote speech on the first day of the event, highlighting both Dogechain and Quickswap to tens of thousands of attendees that watched the event on Binance Live. 👉
  • On the second day, two of our founders from Dogira and CyberArena were keynote speakers on the subject of the GameFi revolution.
  • And on the last day, our NFT giveaway gathered hundreds of visitors to our virtual booth, onboarding many new users to our awesome memechain.

One thing is for certain — Dogechain and the projects building on it were under the spotlight for the entire duration of the conference.

It proved to be an engaging and entertaining experience for everyone involved, allowing much-needed exposure to new potential users.

Our ambassadors also did their part by being present all over the venue and spreading the good word about Dogechain. Some incredible work from those individuals allowed Polycon attendees to realize the strength of the Dogechain community.

While still in their infancy, virtual conferences like Polycon are certainly an awesome community-building tool and our team will be happy to participate in similar events in the future.

Dogechain World Tour ✈️🌍- Stage 1- DCentral Denver

In addition to the virtual conferences, our core contributors will be attending real-world events all around the globe.

Partnering with DCentral, the team’s keynotes will spread the good word about Dogechain’s role in bringing utility to Dogecoin.

🔹March 2 — DCentral Denver

🔹April (TBA) — Tokyo Meetup

🔹June 12–13 — DCentral LA

🔹Sept 11–13 — Permissionless Austin

🔹Dec — DCentral Miami

The first stage of this Dogechain World Tour begins tomorrow, in Denver, Colorado. DCENTRAL Global is the world’s largest community-based, multi-chain crypto and Web3 events facilitator focusing on the future of DeFi, NFTs, Metaverses, GameFi, and DAOs.

Core contributors Roc Zacharias and Sam Kazemian will be giving keynote speeches at 4PM MST. They will be meeting Dogechain community members in person and discussing Dogechain’s role in Web3 and how it supercharges Dogecoin.

Additionally, famous Dogecoin personality ProTheDoge will be a guest speaker, explaining his view on the crossover of the Dogechain and Doge ethos.

For a complete agenda of the event and details on the venue, visit this link:


Hope to see you there!

Updates From Our Ecosystem Builders 🧱

Some great utility and updates from projects building on our chain this week. Every day, these builders add more utility for Dogecoin, bringing it to the forefront of the Web3 revolution

Atlantis Loans

This multichain liquidity protocol is releasing a streamlined Dogecoin lending dApp, that will allow any Doge holder to lend their coins and start receiving yields in a couple of clicks.

Here’s a sneak peek of the new Doge lending UI.

This should allow less experienced holders to easily access the decentralized Dogecoin lending market on Dogechain and start earning with their coins. A great utility showcase for anyone that is diamond-handing their Doge.

Stay tuned for release updates from the Atlantis team.

Drugged Huskies

The utility-oriented NFT project on Dogechain has released its $TDH token on the market.

In partnership with, these tokens will be essential in the Drugged Huskies ecosystem for purchasing NFTs, swag, and participating in community events.

Wrap-up 🌯

Polycon was the highlight of the past week, while DCentral Denver will be the focal point starting tomorrow. If you are unable to attend, we will do our best to provide the community with recordings and detailed reports from the conference, so stay tuned.

Dogechain is bringing DeFi & long awaited utility to Dogecoin. Join the family!

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