Dogechain DC Project Spotlight

A lot has happened in two weeks’ time on Dogechain. September was quite a bloody month for the markets. Nevertheless, the builders on Dogechain prevailed. The number of dApps on Dogechain keeps rising, thanks to our incredibly resilient community of builders and developers.

We are incredibly thankful for our community that keeps adding value to the ecosystem through added use cases for Dogecoin. To express our support for these builders, our weekly Twitter Spaces allows them to express their vision and showcase their projects to the rest of the community.

This summary regroups two weeks of Spaces, providing you with even more concentrated content in this medium post. You can check out the full recordings of the Spaces here:

Spotlight #4:

Spotlight #5:

And if you want a short, textual summary of each showcased project, just keep reading this article.

Doge Tools

DogeTools brings some pure utility to the chain with a toolset designed to help every investor on the chain. They are specifically designed to cater to Dogechain users to have an easier time on Dogechain and access trust and community-building features.

To achieve this, the platform provides:

  • Staking tokens for passive rewards
  • A registry for apps running on Dogechain
  • A KYC and Audit service
  • And their flagship app — the Telegram tipping bot.

The tipping bot has become incredibly popular within the community and it already runs on multiple ecosystem Telegram channels. It allows users to easily send wDOGE to each other while chatting, making it a powerful community-building tool.


Multichain is a Cross-Chain Router Protocol that allows users to bridge assets between a huge number of blockchains. It allows for no-slippage swaps between chains and makes it a breeze to move assets between different chains.

In a nutshell, Multichain is almost universally applicable as an interoperable layer, allowing almost all blockchains to interoperate.

The Multichain bridge has been integrated into our ecosystem since the early days of Dogechain, only 2 weeks after the mainnet was launched. This integration has made it incredibly easy for users to transfer assets to Dogechain and further participate in its rapidly growing ecosystem.

Consequently, this battle-tested bridge has become one of the preferred third-party solutions to enter and exit the Dogechain ecosystem.


ĐogeNameService (ĐNS) allows users to use a readable .doge name instead of a long and hard-to-remember address. So, in the case where your address looks like a long string of hexadecimal numbers and letters, it will be compressed into an easily recognizable nickname like elon.dc.

So, you won’t need to copy and paste long addresses. Just use your ĐNS name to store all of your addresses and receive any cryptocurrency, token, or NFT.

Moreover, you can use avatars, URLs, and custom text fields to further differentiate yourself from the pack a

Another interesting point is that its tokenomics of the $DNS token brings additional value to #Dogechain. It achieves this by directing a share of the proceeds towards buyback-and-burning $DC and $wDOGE. The remaining part goes back to $ĐNS holders in a revenue-share fashion.


Kupay is a payment service provider for EVM chains that recently integrated Dogechain into their offering. It allows you to create a decentralized bank account to access DeFi and participate in the Web3 revolution.

This platform integrates the Dogechain mainnet into its decentralized payment system. This way, it allows users to create payment requests in the app and receive payments in $DC or $DOGE on our native chain.

Moreover, it has some neat additions like:

  • In-app NFT sales
  • Multi-chain support for 9 major chains
  • Merchant integrations for Woocommerce and Shopify
  • A savings account in development.

All these features combined make Kupay a great addition to the Dogechain ecosystem and bolster its growth.

Drugged Huskies

The Drugged Huskies is a multi-utility, art-based collection of 5556 spacey NFTs. These stoner Huskies are unique hand-drawn collectibles, designed to hang out with the Dogechain family.

The collection is both brand and tech-focused, moving toward an interactive and real-world experience. To this end, the team is developing a full-fledged metaverse including the Drugged Huskies NFTs, songs, and movies.

The Drugged Huskies’ long-term mission is to launch several NFT collections, 4–5 merchandise collections, several movies, and a series of songs. Another future goal is to launch the $TDH token which will have direct implications in the metaverse and be used for events, merchandise, accessories, luxury items, games, and much more.

The team has already managed to develop just short of 20 key partnerships in the space, which speaks miles about their commitment to growing this project. All in all, The Drugged Huskies go way beyond the simple PFP collection and genuinely try to provide added utility for Dogechain NFT enthusiasts.


Bridge Doge is a BSC — Dogechain bridge that allows you to quickly swap assets between these two blockchains in a matter of minutes and at a low cost. However, the utility of this app doesn’t end there.

Not only does BrodgeDoge connect the BNB chain with Dogechain, but it also provides additional utility on the chain. One of the unique products it offers is the private RPC nodes that help dApp developers access solid and reliable endpoints.

However, the distribution method of these nodes is even more unique — you need to mint a BridgeDoge NFT that will give you access to the RPC node itself! An awesome way to promote NFTs on Dogechain and showcase their utility beyond simple PFPs.

Wrapping up

Finally, during our “shitcoin showdown” we had the pleasure to meet new builders on the chain and hear their short 1-minute pitches. Additionally, the community was able to share their favorite tokens and get a glance at what’s hot on Dogechain.

As always, we recommend that you listen to the entire Spaces and get some alpha information that we weren’t able to convey in this summary.

Dogechain is bringing DeFi & long awaited utility to Dogecoin. Join the family!

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