Dogechain DC Grants

As a community-driven project, a large portion of Dogechain’s value resides in its builders. These incredible teams of individuals continuously provide our memechain with added utility for Dogecoin. With every dApp deployed on our memechain, they help the original memecoin inch onwards full integration into DeFi, NFTs, and blockchain games.

For this reason, the Dogechain foundation has reserved 29% of the total supply of $DC tokens for project grants and incentives, through the Ecosystem DAO fund allocation. While we previously gave a broad overview of these grants in another article, we would like to introduce our first community-driven incentive for projects on Dogechain — the Battle of the Grants.

What is the Battle of the Grants?

The Battle of the Grants is a community-driven contest for projects that wish to grow their communities and be rewarded for it. Taking place on Twitter, it allows any project building on Dogechain to participate.

Scope and Goal

The main idea of this competition is to get projects to interact with their communities and drive engagement campaigns that will make them stand out from their competitors. Since the campaign is going through the official Dogechain Twitter account, the aim is to give all participating projects maximum exposure to the entire Dogechain community.

In addition to the added engagement and community growth, there’s a prize pool of $10,000 to be distributed among 8 projects that qualify for the finals.

Format of the competition

The competition will be using a 4-round knockout model. Each round lasts one week, after which winners are announced and the next round begins.

Round 1 — Battle Royale

Anyone can participate in the first round, as long as they have an active project on Dogechain. Out of all the participants, 8 projects will be able to qualify for the next round.

The 8 Finalists will receive $400 in $DC tokens each and go forth to the next round.

Round 2 — The Mega Ocho

The 8 winners from the previous round compete in the Mega Ocho. Out of these 8, 4 will be able to qualify for the next round.

The 4 finalists will receive $700 in $DC tokens each and go forth to the next round.

Round 3 — The Four Dogeriders

The 4 winners from the previous round will compete. Out of these 4, 2 will be able to qualify for the final round.

Round 4 — Grande Finale Extraordinaire

The final face-to-face, where the 2 last standing projects compete for the grand prize.

The #1 project will receive $3000 in $DC tokens.

The #2 project will receive $1000 in $DC tokens.

Total winnings over 4 rounds:

  • 1st place: $4100 in $DC tokens
  • 2nd place: $2100 in $DC tokens
  • 3rd and 4th place: $1100 in $DC tokens
  • 5th to 8th place: $400 in $DC tokens

Battle of the Grants Rules

The rules for participating in the Battle of the Grants are fairly simple. The Dogechain Twitter account will post an announcement every time a new round goes live.

For the first round, every project that wishes to participate will need to reply to this message with their official Twitter handle.

For the following rounds, qualified projects will reply to the new round announcement and so forth.

This reply will serve for tallying to determine the round winners that go forward in the competition. Both likes and retweets to the reply will be counted (like = 1 pt, retweet = 2 pts, comment = 3 pts).

Tips for projects:

  • The initial reply should be engaging and eye-catching to make you stand out from the crowd.
  • This will be a great opportunity to showcase your project in less than 280 characters. Get creative.
  • An image can tell 1000 words, you might want to support your reply with a cool graphic.
  • Get your founders to directly engage with your community members. Listen and understand them. Nurturing a close relationship with your community is essential to make them root for you.
  • Projects should share their reply with their communities across all of their social media channels in order to get the most engagement

Tips for community supporters:

  • To support their favorite projects, community members should follow, like, retweet and comment so that the Project’s reply stands out the most.
  • Try understanding the project’s benefits and sharing them with different communities.

And finally, last but not least, avoid clashing with other communities, as we are all stronger together. Projects that are building utility for Dogecoin are the lifeblood of our memechain and all should be highly valued. The more projects succeed, the stronger Dogechain becomes, and so do the builders on the chain.

Summing Up

The Battle of the Grants is a competition designed to engage communities and reward projects for growing their own. Every project needs a strong community to succeed as your close supporters will be the ones carrying you on their shoulders to triumph.

Also, this competition is a way for the community to do its part and help these projects grow. With their support, not only will they make their favorite projects more visible but have a chance to help them win a significant boost to their budget.

Let’s get cracking, shibes!

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